Our hope is that this website provides the Englewood community with information it needs to understand Englewood Community Center’s (ECC) proposal to develop a community center at the Russell C. Major Liberty School site.*

We have had hundreds of conversations with community members over the last 3 years and believe what we are proposing to create is in response to what the community has stated it wants and needs.

Punchline...our community is asking for a true community center to be built with the capacity to serve our community over the many decades ahead. Our proposal is nothing less than this...to create a state of the art community center that can serve the needs of our entire community.

*ECC is a sole purpose community based nonprofit formed to develop and operate the community center. ECC is in partnership with and is building upon the work begun for this project by Metro Community Church.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: The information we are laying out here are our "best answers" that we have at the current time, but they are subject to change as we move forward with the process and obtain additional input from the community and the City. It is our hope that these responses will, for the time being, help ground the conversation and provide some fundamental answers to the questions we have received from the community.

Please email us at sponton@englewoodcommunitycenter.org if you have feedback for us or have other questions you would like answered.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Read questions and answers that have been asked by the community

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Site Plans and Designs

Browse architectural drawings and renderings